package com.googlecode.jslint4java.maven; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import; import; import com.googlecode.jslint4java.JSLintResult.ResultBuilder; import com.googlecode.jslint4java.formatter.JSLintResultFormatter; import com.googlecode.jslint4java.formatter.JSLintXmlFormatter; public class ReportWriterImplTest { private static final String REPORT_XML = "report.xml"; @Rule public TemporaryFolder tmpf = new TemporaryFolder(); @Rule public ExpectedException kaboom = ExpectedException.none(); private final JSLintResultFormatter formatter = new JSLintXmlFormatter(); private ReportWriterImpl createReportWriter(String filename) { return new ReportWriterImpl(new File(tmpf.getRoot(), filename), formatter); } @Test public void createsNonEmptyFile() { ReportWriterImpl rw = createReportWriter(REPORT_XML);; rw.close(); assertThat(rw.getReportFile().exists(), is(true)); assertThat(rw.getReportFile().length(), is(not(0L))); } @Test public void makesParentDirectory() { // issue 65: ensure we make *all* intervening directories. File parent = new File(new File(tmpf.getRoot(), "some"), "dir"); ReportWriter rw = new ReportWriterImpl(new File(parent, REPORT_XML), formatter);; rw.close(); assertThat(parent.exists(), is(true)); } /** * issue 65: If we configure an invalid report xml, we should blow up with a * {@link RuntimeException} (wrapping a * {@link IOException}). Instead, we're blowing up with an * {@link NullPointerException}when we try to close(). */ @Test public void closeDoesntHideIoExceptionWithNullPointerException() throws IOException { kaboom.expect(RuntimeException.class); kaboom.expectCause(CoreMatchers.<Throwable>instanceOf(IOException.class)); // This is guaranteed to fail as it's a file not a directory. File f = tmpf.newFile("bob"); ReportWriter rw = new ReportWriterImpl(new File(f, REPORT_XML), formatter); try {; } finally { // This shouldn't blow up with an NPE. rw.close(); } } private String readFile(File reportFile) throws IOException { return Files.toString(reportFile, Charsets.UTF_8); } @Test public void reportContentsSanity() throws Exception { ReportWriterImpl rw = createReportWriter(REPORT_XML);; // Create a result with no problems. ResultBuilder("foo.js").build()); rw.close(); String report = readFile(rw.getReportFile()); assertThat(report, containsString("<jslint>")); assertThat(report, containsString("<file name='foo.js'>")); assertThat(report, containsString("</jslint>")); } }